whilst out shopping last weekend i was caught short. for a number 2 so unfortunately i had to use the nearest public convienience . Whilst sitting there having a poo and reading the very halarious...
That doesn't mean you can have her for nothing. It means ... sara3 is in the DUNGEON and we want her back NOW. Come on Ed, don't be gwumpy ... Free sara3 Free sara3 Free sara3 Free sara3 Free sara3...
did the croydon rusky fist the deviant?or was the deviant the giver rather than the taker ? answers on a tube of vaseline to : croydon rusky 2 grave from left croydon cemetery croydon , past the kebab...
i remember doing a crossword in the daily express newspaper around july 1988 while waiting on the train to rochdale, i was halfway through it when a man snatched my paper and ran into the lavatory...
Madonna is 50 on 16th August, recent photographs have shown her looking haggard, according to Liz Jones in todays Daily Mail she admits Madonna looks ill tired like a man in drag but has the cheek to...
The Olympic games are wonderful, just watch all those athletes who've trained hard for 4 years, only to lose out in the heats or come 4th in the finals and 'just' miss out on a medal.
better with age? I've just got my first reading glasses!! okay, so it's a sign of my maturity, but I think I look pretty hot in them, imho ;o) (if I did "lol" I'd type it now, but I don't)
Father Bill has e-mailed saying he will be back shortly. He has finished the new temple in Tibet, which was officially opened last week by the Dalai Lama, having flown in from Monte Carlo for the...
do any of you ever eat this stuff when i was young we were very poor and one of our weekly meals was tripe and onions or (leeks if they were cheap enough) i hated the stuff did any of you have to eat...
Has anyone else tried this ? It is supposed to freeze up your dogs loose motions, its a can of liquid nitrogen. I bought a can and can honestly say it was utter crap ! Anyone else found this stuff...