In case I dont see you before then, just wanted to say will be thinking about you on Thurs, and hope everything goes well.. Got to get to bed now, so take care xxxx
a comment by joggerjayne made me wonder.....what thing or things could make your life complete?.......and-please-NOT the obvious such as STACKS of money, or mr right(and stacks of...
We were having a very jolly thread a couple of hours ago, and then Thing2 turned up unexpectedly to ponce a glass of wine off me. But she's just gone. So ... what's been going on for the last two...
Mnahunter the first hannibal lector film with brian cox playing a far better hannibal in my opinion than tony hopkins. Opinions? " Nice things come to those who are nice to others . "
What would be a nice supper if you were entertaining someone of an evening? Possuibly al fresco , or his sister alison fresco. White or red wine dependant on choice of food. So a nice meal possibly...
I have just paid my paper bill after about three months and think I have been UNDERCHARGED for the service. I only have a Saturday Delivery. Without informing you how much a delivery is, how much do...
Ha ha That was a quick impression of the noise one of the girls is making in my bathroom at the mo. Hope she's okay (but i suspect not) christ, i thought I had a hangover. she's in a really bad way!
Can anyone help me here please, i am in a predicament, my best pal has been with her boyfriend for over 2 years now, i actually introduced them, i myself am on a dating site because i am single, and i...
Documentary on a relatively normal teenager whose parents are naturists and walk around the house stark bollok naked. Poor Kid!!!!!! Did any of your friends have beardy weirdy parents?
Morning all you lovely people , rise and shine , the sun's out , has been since about 3.30 this morning actually . Hope you are all well , apologies to bensmum btw :-) xxxxxxxxx