I'm not 35 yet!!! I don't turn 35 until December 28th. I know it's not far away, but I'm desperately clinging onto any bit of youth I can get my hands on! What will you be buying me for my birthday...
Please can anyone solve my query! There used to be some kind of quiz show where at one point the 'real ..........please stand up' - and I think there were 4 people and they all pretend to get up out...
I have started with cystitis - haven't had it for years but presume I'm more prone now as menapausal. I've sent hubby up to the chemist to get over the counter stuff but have noticed my urine is pink...
as i posted i had a luvverly beeef curry last nite and a goodish bottle of red wine. unfortunately now im farting more regular than you would like to know. and it smells like a dead donkeys doo doos
It is a rarity I get in with that first so thought I would make the most of the opportunity :) Friday is here once again, yay! So what is the big plan for the weekend? MIne is starting with me about...
If you have only known somebody for about a month but have established they are not doing anything particularly special over Christmas, nor have any real commitments, would one consider it too forward...
Now i know its the norm for folk to rant about xmas and the changes that pc councils make. But ive just heard about a school in brighton ,sorry missed the name of it. Anyway this may be old news to...
http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/inter nationals/7100393.stm The fans don't like him, he hasn't done well, but he'll still get ?2.5m if they get rid of him - i bet he's REALLY gutted about...
Does this mean each and every individule one of us can be human gods on here now. Ive never been a god as a human before, think that I will change my name to zeuss before any body else has the same...
What are the answers to these questions:- 1- Twenty six miles? 2- Milk butter and cheese cabinet? 3- Charlie's sport? 4- Disturbing the pond? 5- Eat outside?