Can anyone help point me in the right direction with these logos, I am unable to copy the actual logo onto here 3 Black anchor leaning to left with intertwined chain and C at top. 11 Brown elk/deer... ...
is the eu suddenly waking up to this practice, should have been banned years ago, won't happen here though, more reason for migrants to make there way... ...
I know you lot can take my mind off this pain with your stories but I'll do mine first. I bought a birthday card for my sister, along with several others. Posted it later that day. On my sisters... ...
Found some of the above in the freezer, had completely forgotten about it. So that's my evening meal sorted, having it with carrot and swede mash, and some Idaho mashed potato, which made me think... ...
So my hairdresser I currently go to I catch 2 buses as I use to go there when I lived in my old house but I feel bad changing in a way as we are close and I been going to him for so long but he is... ...
the company I work for is being bought by a bigger company. will I automatically lose all the extra benefits or will the new company have to compesate me for any loses ?
Fairy Farms Hemp Australia:- Use hemp oil in salad dressings or drizzled over roasted vegetables to enhance flavor and health benefits. rewardingSprinkle hemp seeds on your morning yogurt or... ...
It seems to me that some are always poised ready to pick holes in a post rather than provide a rational response. Is it :- (a) Arrogance (b) Low self esteem (c) Sanctimony (d)... ...
Went to the cinema lastnight for the first time in years. Was an experience to say the least lol. (Film was ok btw!). From the 'refreshment' counter refusing to sell you any snack or drink unless... ...
Good morning everyone - it's a long weekend here - it's raining and Daylight Saving kicks in tonight .....what's the third thing going to be ?? ok, now for the links - FOOD CHART SPY SKY As always,... ...
Starting Clue Chain 8 - all welcome 😊 The idea of the game is that the setter poses an original home-madeclue which everybody is invited to solve. The poster who solves the clue first (hopefully... ...