I was disappointed at the way I was treated by the assistant manager at my voluntary job last week so I left. My parents wrote a letter to the manager handing it in with the keys as they felt my...
I am stuck on the last question in a quiz about Christmas film quotes. “I’m just a teenage dirtbag baby” - which Christmas film contains these words? I realise this is a song, but I don’t think it is...
morning, Sunday already, the week has whizzed by hasn't it. Up earlier than normal after a disturbing dream and can't get back to sleep. So with coffee on the go i wish you all well and hope you have...
So I’m a teacher earning around £30,000 a year, 23 years old living at home with parents. My grandma was saying that when she dies (which hopefully isn’t for a very long time), I could buy her house,...
28) Tries to win (5)
30)Good for Barbara (8,6)
32)Overacting senior citizen (6)
44)Hold one side only (4,6)
answers have a word , phrase or saying with the name of a city or town in the uk....
Some of you may not be aware of significant changes to the highway-code, soon to come into effect. One of the major changes is that vehicle drivers turning into a road are to give way to pedestrians...
Good morning everyone - after a bit of a blast of heat yesterday, it’s back to mild and much cooler out there today …..luckily no strong winds to put the fear of bushfires into us …hopefully it will...
morning, Saturday already and the weekend starts here. I hope that you are in good form and that your day is a very good one. Its another early start though i hope some are awake to keep me company....
Licking their wounds? Maybe voters are just as fed up with their constant sniping at the government yet not offering a viable solution to current problems.
morning, Friday already, the end of the working week for some. I hope that you are all as well as can be and that your day is a good one. I will be having lunch out today with my mate, it's my treat...
Morning, Monday already and the start of the working week for some. I hope that you are all well and that your day is a good one. The Christmas party yesterday was lovely and what with seeing West...
I find it very sad that they can't sing along to carols and hymns. I still remember them all from morning assemblies at school. Of course they haven't done this for a long time, even though we are a...