are the habits if the young able to create group loyalty (7,7)
?a?t?e? ??l???e
One is still doing nothing to get better at this (4,6)
R?S? ??r?
Join the fifth group (5)
Sorry, folks, but this is driving me crazy... 4a Front part of train, and who's in it. (8) ?A???A?? I think it should be CARAVANS 16a Sort of over fifty? Yes and no (5-4) F?R?E-?I?E 20d Strong man,...
16 Down. Lacking sense, builds in vain? (8) s???i?l?. Can only think of stupidly ( but can't see wordplay ) or subtitle ( is build another name for subtitle,which a blind person (lacking sense)...
Endless violence at social gathering? Queen can hardly stomach it (7)
Victim of lion raised voice shortly after start of attack (6)
any help gratefeully received...
Bacgelor put on crazy bet and lost money (3,4) if its bad debt why? In 20d One on the pull over short time becomeing shyer...i think the answer is Thrower with t - short time and rower being puller...