I am not having much luck finishing this. Active, almost healed? Fine (5) A?E??? Large measure of work in good condition,being short of time: grand {6} ?IL?R? Jingle perhaps shows one negative effect...
I would very much welcome a hint re the unclued common link please. Meantime am stumped by
16d broadcasting limit a provocative period ? ( 10 two words)
I have N ????E. ?I??...
Good evening, some answers/hints would be much appreciated for the following, please! Thanks in advance! ACROSS: 12 Swats young bee eludes (4) : ??M? 14 Feel fond of fighting terrible Tom (6, two...
Wow this was and is a tough ask.....see 26 across.... nearly done but completely stumped on the last answer to the riddle. the one that comes after S?????M 41 A Princes place Chinese Kitty bedecks (7)...
Pedestrian holds back directions to Wick (5) I have A?r?? presumably AIRST but why? Call on revolutionary intellectual (6) ?????C not a clue Old vessel mostly outdated heading north (5) ??e?n again...
any help re unclueds welcome-also help/parsing re 6a peter out back,eating square meal 6 ??P??? supper?repast? 10a hit round ring-rim of upper drum 6 starts t 14a advert i tweaked late in development...
Rather frustrated by this puzzle. I can see the theme but not the hidden diagonal but still have some gaps. Somall help gratefully received. Piece of lead turned grey (5) I have L?A?D Legendary poet’s...
Wow this is a challenge and a half!
eminent composer gives great great cellist inspiration (7)
Piece of lead turned grey (5)
stop kid meeting adult (4)...
have got 95% of this done. hampered by noy having latest Chambers dictionary to hand... Any help gratefully received 41A Etna, beginning to erupt twice under whirling cloud of volcanic ash (11 two...
Tenth of Scotland has Italy in mind (5)
last county town to slot in at 21 across i have ?e?ham (6)
Not sure that i have 33 across correct as have BSR?E for lighter plough (5)?...
struggling today probably not helping by being on strong pain killers. anyway enough bleating all help gratefully received 14 down Game kites tangling with airship, (12) so presumably an anag of kites...
Good day, Answers/Hints to the following should put me on the trail of the theme. Thanks in advance! 11(A) This amphibian would need Marvel to make vanilla ice cream (9): CA???L??? 15/38 Office...
Good afternoon two left and frustratingly no idea 37D Nacho, say , trimmed by the Spanish ambassador (5) I have e??h? 40A Might a ----------- involved with IOM, be represented by mythologian? (7)...
Almost there...
Any help gratefullybreceived
10A some money held back for bananas (4}
I have ?USA
29A Old twisted threads not at all robust reportedly (5)
I have WEE?E
Many thanks...
Three left and having found the theme too. All or any help gratefully received 4 magic twig do you say (5) I have WIC?? 30 down A river carries coal for Biblical region (6) I have ?udaea but no idea...
Rather stuck in South West corner. any help gratefully received 21 DWhat reduces rates for estates say? (9 two words) I have ??A???MP? 19 D Girl doctor, one for potting plants (8) I have ??AN???A 32 A...