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No number of letters provided but I think I've got the grid right and the adjoining letters................... although I've been wrong before ! 16a. Sign perhaps over baby G?A?? 17a. Surrounded by...
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10a. Villain reversing a vehicle in front of kids, note (5) E?A?E
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Skeleton Mystery Bonus Word so no number of letters or adjoining letters etc. 28a. 'Food broke tooth' headline (hyphenated) Many thanks...
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Skeleton Mystery Word Bonus - so no number of letters or adjoining letters etc. 11a. Curry going to another place I'm thinking MADRAS as it's a curry and a place - but open to other idea's AS MAYBE...
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Bonus Word so no number of letters or adjoining letters. 7a. Henry's chat about silent plant Anagram of Henry's chat would be CHRYSANTHE So this could be the answer - but silent could be MUM So would...
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Skeleton crossword so no indication of number of letters or adjoining letters. Clue: Little sound, for crying out loud Thanks...
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£50 mystery bonus word so no adjoining clues or number of letters. 11a. Musician bashing first aid Thanks...
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30a. Reams shredded by north-eastern word for mad or uncontrolled (anag) (5) R?M?E I know RADGE has the meaning but adjoining clues and anagram of REAMS means it can't be. Based on anagram of REAMS...
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Skeleton crossword £50 mystery word bonus - so no adjoining letters and no indication of number of letters. 14d. Indifferent face of an ascending gull Any help appreciated thanks...
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Skeleton £50 Mystery Word - so no adjoining letters or number of letters. 15a. Scoundrel laid low for nothing? Thanks...
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Last one (now with different letters) 3d. Blacken seal (4) ?O?? I had CHAR but it can't be correct if 9a. One way to think (3,4) is OUT LOUD Also last letter is possibly G if 11a. One who froths at...
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Pretty sure of adjoining letters but I've been wrong before 9a. One way to think (3,4) O?? ?H?D Assuming the H is correct from 3d Blackened Seal (4) = CHAR 11a. One who froths at the mouth! (7)...
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£50 Mystery Bonus As it's a skeleton crossword there's no indication of number of letters, and I don't know any adjoining letters. 12d. Highbound English flying group I discount RAF because it's...
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Skeleton £50 Mystery Word Bonus. No adjoining letters and I don't know how many letters. 11a. Father tries ending anger I suspect PRIEST Due to P from father added to anagram of TRIES (and a priest...
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17a. Negative martinet led astray Don't know how many letters as it's a skeleton crossword. I suspect SEDUCED but wondered if anyone had any other ideas...
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Maybe made a mistake so I'm stuck. Pretty sure of adjoining letters but I've been wrong before. 2d. Excursions producing witty remarks? (7) S?L?I?S 9 & 27a. N Yorkshire circular walk confined by three...
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I think I have the answer but can't be sure as I can't find any cross connection to the word knight. 11d. Scots word meaning bump, nudge, dent or knight (4) ??NT I believe it to be DUNT but where does...
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26a. Bowl over floor (7) S?U?E?? I can come up with SAUCERS but can't see why (and it's the wrong tense). Thanks...
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Pretty sure of adjoining clues letters but I've been wrong before. 22d. Suggestive of good wine (4) ?A?S I'm stumped - maybe it's something simple but all I can suggest is SASS or RAHS - and can't...

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