1a. Apprehension, small laugh, note I give out jibes about three similar points (6-7) ???B?E/?E????? (poss treble or double something) 2d. Letter that is almost nothing (7) ??S?L?N 6d. In tennis or...
3d. Friendliness of hesitation, a short time in game (10) ???M?I?E?S Could be something like SEEMLINESS, FLIMSINESS or CLUMSINESS but I can't fathom the clue meaning. 19a. Face hare (4) P?S? 9a. What...
8a. Chance is in Royal Thousand (4) ???? 10a. Peace spoken by Semitic (6) ?????D 12a. Alliance company pound back (4) ???? 20a. Attack, reassign, go plundering (10) ???R?S?I?N (poss AGGRESSION but not...
1a. Current can be arranged about help is a bit much (13) ?N?U?P?R?A?L? Surely got to be UNSUPPORTABLE, INSUPPORTABLE or INSUPPORTABLY but can't fathom the logic of the clue. Thanks for help or...
16d. Peer to stop single ship (8) ?A?O?O?S
17d. Without a key, NATO lost friend (8) ?T?N?E?Y
Pretty sure of adjoining letters but I've been wrong before
26a. Bridal plan has energy that can be controlled (7) R?D?N?E
I'm reasonably sure all adjoining letters are correct but I've been wrong before.
I suspect I may have a wrong answer affecting the given letters.
10a. Bounce back again (2-4) R?-D?H?
16d. Catching fire starter (8) R?N?T?O?
5d. They transmitted after dandy belle (6) B?A?T?
I think it's BLASTS but just can't see the logic, anyone any other suggestions, idea's or explanation.
1a. Undercover Party (6,7) ?????? C???A?? Possibly ?????? COMPANY 9a. Unlike anything known before, plenty in French one, old Dutch capital (10) ??E???T??? 12a. Cut flyer some French's wood (9)...