Hi inglepingle
With regards to your query; according to my COED it is superintendence, there is no superintendance, but you know what compilers are like.
Having trouble with 3d. and 16 a. - I think 3d. is El Greco (Spanish painter born in Crete). However, 16a. I think should be Ibn Zuhr (Arabic name of Avenzoar, a physician born in Seville). My problem...
Stuck on the last one, maybe I have got an across one wrong?
3d) What inn lacked at Christmas leading to final moves for fellow lodgers(9) R?O?M?L?S...
Stuck on two:-
1) Remake fashionable fish out of shell(7)A?A?O?E (is it alamode or abalone?)
2)Taxes only payable by those north of the border(5)S?O?S (is it scots? if so why)...
Stuck in a corner, help would be appreciated. It beats being down on the farm(8) T???I??? (the third letter may be an R) Is in bed above a funeral party - can't sleep!(4,5) ???? A?A?E (could it be...