When a male and female have a telephone conversation, This does NOT mean they are having some kind of affair. The people insinuating such things know exactly who they are, and should therefor...
It is dark, raining and gloomy. The weekend has been fabulous and exciting, I have managed to eat drink be merry AND enjoyed it all. But what excitement, at last I can return to work and leave all...
There was a guy on the radio last night from William Hills, and the betting on McLeish to stay at Rangers are 4-9. How is this possible? I thought he was getting the sack by December?
What question got the most answers? I know this one got 1075 http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/Arts-and-Literature/Quest ion47906.html but are there any that got more or close to that? ps. thats the...
Posted a link the other day which didnt connect. Here is correct link. Name the 75 bands contained in the picture. http://www.chinternet.co.uk/75bands.jpg