Just found this website, looks really good. I am at Uni and would like to know what social issue's in the UK, really get your back up. This would help me choose a contemporary social issue for my...
I've recently lost a bit of weight and UK size 6 is now too big for me. I love being this size, but I'm finding it incredibly hard to find clothes to fit me in the shops. I am currently shopping in...
There is hope for all us "LOSTIES", I saw an advert for the new season of LOST to begin here in US on 1/31 with a 2 hour episode. Thank goodness they delayed their season before the writers' strike...
Why is it that some folk can give this and others cant?Some people find its too difficult and others seek commitment but cant give it in return.Is it easy to find?Is it difficult to give to someone...
For giving me the pleasure of my pic on here being the most talked about on here tonight. And bigmamma how did you get 49 posts about it and I only got 48 in my second coming with it. So all I have to...
Fed up of doing everything for women , I have decided to make this the year of the man, I have told the wife and she has fallen into line after much grumbling , Men are therefore excluded for one...
For taking the pee out of my penis I am very hurt and maybe scarred for life now at your cruel and crude remarks I may never be the same person on here again now. I posted that picture in good taste...
Should I or shouldn't I click on the link? I have read all your comments and although I am intrigued I don't think I really need to see what I suspect may be on view . I am of a rather delicate...
This is for the attention of Legend. I have been back tracking and read my last post. I wish to apologise for the remark about Iceland not being in Tenerife!! :) I hope you accept my apologies and...
I think that all dogs larger than a toy spaniel shot be shot, immediately, and the owners of dogs who have kids under 16 should be arrested if they let them out of a cage. Anyone who raises the...
melody or harmony? peace or love? picasso or miro? piano or guitar? silk or velvet? sun or snow? autumn or summer? winter or spring? choir or orchestra? air or water?