Any help please?
2D Checked other mostly took exercise (10)
8A Sir Patrick meets queen in ballad, not by this poet (7)
S-E---R (spender? maybe?)...
Can anyone help with this last clue please?
25D No parking in university? Pulled up tree (5)
If you could explain the answer too that would be great....
20D suffer onset of exhaustion in rough ground (7) U-----O 24A They precede sods in miscellany offered at Ascot......(4) O--- 27A Supply vessel to catch fish? On the contrary (7) F---I-H Am struggling...
Any help with these would be appreciated:
9A Perhaps colonel's not eating boiled rice (7)
4D Robber picked up implement here at the centre (6)
L---E- I think it might be lifter?...
Help with these would be appreciated please:
6D Latin poet describes duck egg, say (5)
18D Very large copper worried about large kiss (8)
Hi, I'd be grateful if anyone can help with these last two clues:
20A Eccentric coteries requiring specialist knowledge (8)
12D Russian edict: 'Use Ford Parts' (5)