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Last one - please help! 16a Large order -?I?y...
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12a An inquest performed close to Brixton Prison S?N,?U?N???
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help appreciated with 8d coalition's aim shows frequent boldness 6 and 5 and 14a newsman following crude supply cut 7 letters thank you
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1a Beauty getting a little behind covering - hurry up! L-O- S-A-P-. Last clue, help please!
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Last one 21d Deviancy is inherent to blue moview, primarily (6) -a-i-m help most appreciated...
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ST4492 stuck on last clue: 21a Bargain housing indeed around for those on soft left
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25d founded the first automobile assembly line in Germany ???l 30a equal to 0.1 pascal- second ??i?e 55a edict with the force of law in Tsarist Russia u?a?? 50d Danish anatomist, one of the founders...
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two more left .... 52d in printing and t ypograph, a capital letter with a flourish (5) s?a?h 18d member of a people living in the Horn of Africa (4) ?f?r Many thanks, chox...
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24d...Research establishment erected on one island ?A?I. I can only think of BALI...not sure why though ?...
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Expect you all finished this days ago but I can't get to grips with Tim Moorey. 5a :Former suspect omitted in speech (8) ..S.O.B. 2d: Mark antique articles for rubbish! (2,3) M. ... 9a: Interfering...
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2. Honeysuckle I label incorrectly (6) a?e?i?. I realise it's an anagram but have looked up honeysuckle and can't find the right combination. Abelil or alebil??

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