Hi, I loved the music in the Orangina ad, ok Im sure a lot of you are not fans, but that put a side would anyone who knows the title and musician behind this peice of music disclose the information? I...
Does anybody know the name of the song in the film 'Man in Fire' when the little girl is dancing around with her little bear and then jumps on the bed after Creasy starts to build a friendship with...
Hello there. I was really wondering what the music near the end of the sopranos episode, titled ' a hit is a hit' was called. It comes at the part were Hesh Rabkin is talking to christopher Maltisanti...
does anyone know what the name of the music and who it was sung by on the magnum ice cream Ecuador chocolate advert where all the women are praising the woman and the big M logo??? If so please tell!...
Hey there does anyone know the name of that amazing song used in the advert for that new BBC 1, one off drama called Recovery with the guy who played Dr Who in it??? It would be greatly appreciated!
Hey there does anyone know what that great song in the advert for a new drama called "Recovery" is called, if so it would be greatly appreciated!!! Thanks - Jonny
Does anyone know the name of the song at the end of the first Police Academy film during the graduation parade scene which goes "Im gonna be somebody"? If you do please leave a post. Thank you very...
Does anybody know the last song during the parade scene right at the end which go's "Im gonna be somebody" if you do please send me a post! Thank you very much
Does anyone know what the name of the song used in the new Nike advert with Ronaldinho playing as both a child and his present self called Jogo Bonito? I love it please please give me an answer...
Hi Im seriously considoring becomming a phshyciatrist when Im older how do I get into to it, what qualifications do I need, and how long will the course take please inform me. Thanks p.s. am I...