What is the music that plays half way through as Luther throws the man over the side of the high rise flats? I know that before that its Depeche mode - goodbye. Please help....
I know the first piece is Goodbye by Depeche Mode but its the music that kicks in half way through, when Luther throws the man over the side of the high rise flats. Please help.
I know the first piece of music is Goodbye by Depeche Mode but its the music that kicks in half way through, when Luther throws a man over the side of the high rise flats. Please help....
I like a trailer i have seen advertising Russian Vodka. I like the music when a girl is luring the man through a party/club. I know this is very vague but does anybody know of this music or the...
I saw the movie trailer on a dvd for a film called West. it is already out on dvd but would the music for the movie trailer for it. i saw the trailer on the 'Edmund' movie starring william H macy. Can...
Can anyone help me with the music in this movie trailer for The Day The Earth Stood Still? Thank you http://www.apple.com/trailers/fox/thedaytheear thstoodstill/large.html
The Movie trailer for 'Boss of it all' has a great song in that i really like. Could any one tell me what the music is? Who is it by etc. Thank you so much....
The trailer for Perfume movie looks brilliant. But what is the various music that plays in the trailer. http://www.apple.com/trailers/dreamworks/perfu me/lg_trailer.html J
What is the music that is playing at the end of the new trailer for the film 'Edmond' You can See the trailer at http://www.apple.com/trailers/independent/edmo nd/ Cheers
What is the music that is playing at the end of the new trailer for the film 'Edmond'
You can See the trailer at
http://www.apple.com/trailers/independent/edmo nd/