I'm about to tile my bathroom floor with some natural floor tiles but i believe you're meant to treat them before hand, can anyone tell me what with???
Hi, i'm looking at buying a new camera, probably spend around ?200 but need some advice, should i go for a high mega pixel, high optical zoom or high digital zoom and is there anything else i should...
Hi, i'm landscaping my garden and want to cut some indian sanstone into a curved shape. The diamond blade on my angle grinder will leave a jaggedy edge. Is there a special type of blade that can be...
Hi, there are some extremely funny tin tin videos on you tube, does anyone know how i can get them onto my mobile phone? I have a samsung e900 by the way, thanks
the other morning my ford fiesta (R registerd) wouldn't start, i've since had my battery changed but now the stereo(original ford model) is locked out. anybody have any ideas??