Hi all. about a year back there was a girl band by the name of Cloe. i think thats how it was spelt.Does anybody know where i can find the video of their chart song? Many thanks..Lisa xxx
Does anyone know whether this song has been covered by someone other than the group Extreme? My brother swears he'd heard it before it was on X Factor on Saturday but said he's never heard of Extreme
type - Rock / unknown, Lyric, "..i'm better off alone, this house is not a (Home - repeats in chorus, shout)... " i just keep finding a Alice Deejay song, wich isn't it. T_T this song will drive...
does anyone recognise this pop song from the last 3 years. It's by a girl or girl group and has the words "wouldn't have it/want it any other way ..or something like that
Does anybody know of somewhere online I can find the COMPLETE words to the above song? I've found many sites that look promising but don't have the rap included ("time to learn ya lesson" etc etc)