3d weapon set (3 3 5) - o - / a - d / - r - - - 27a Strict party line (8) - d - o - - - y 63a wintery feel (10) c - - - - - n -s - 54d Nonconformist (6) m - s - - - 40d Conspicicuous (11)- e - c - p -...
I have three answers to find. Grateful for any help. 5d Illusion fails,as do rope tricks (5,8) f?o?s ?a?a???e 13d Devil taking poisonous dose,proved a dictator (7) i?s???? 20a State of girl,our one...
26 Across - Took part in a sporting event (8) C???e?ed
45 Across - Deal with a problem (6) T???l?
27 Down - Notes written to be played or sung ??s??...
Like a childminder making oral inspection when there's been upset (2,4,8) ??,L???,????????
Vehicles on yard to go out system devised for drivers to get payment (4,2,8) ????,?n,?????e??...
Hello guys and gals
The old woman here again.
Just one left this week:
19A Sally's nature that is succinctly presented (6)
? O ? T ? E
Any help from you wonderful people?...
Please can you help me, I'm stuck on the following:- 12 D --on which to carry wine, for instance, during a hymn (5,6) S?L?E???I?A, I've seen 'salve regina as an answer, salve as a dish? 18D Drivers...