8a...She'll come by the 4th for service!(4)...???? 12a...Jolly easy one this:con...tent?(5,6)...????? ?????? 18a...Fingers may get burnt doing this. Figures(7,3,5)...??????? THE BOOKS 27a They go with...
Would appreciate help with final clue. I think my letters are correct.
20d. Aesthetically unconventional daughter's on a platform on time.(7) I have D?D?D?I?T...
11 Down - Of accommodation, granted by the crown (5,3,6) ?r?c? and ?a?u?r
47 Across - Stay close by, even though your presence isn't wanted (5,2,2)
L?t?h ?n ?e...
4a) Pests concealed in recess mostly (6) 10a) Troublemaker a soldier has to turn endlessly back (8) 14a) Getting exhausted managers a place to dry out (8,5) 17a) Smack accompanied by slap the settle...
Help Please 13a Some union a Zionist would not be party to (4) ?a?i 20a Encounter with horsey folk (4) ?e?t (meet?) 27d It hangs abouut 2.5 centimetres imperially from the lips (4) c?i? Thanking you...
It's me again still stuck , needing more help please 13d / Would trainer get the better of the final athlete ( 4 ) P ? ? E 18A/ Circus may be at 13a in France (10 ) H ? ? ? ODROME 13A Is Uppercut....