3d (6&4) Mediocre time comes with cost Sxxxnxxxxx 7d (6&5) deduce side from which kings took authority xxVxxxxGxT 14a (5&5) primitive plants developed from a large gene xxxExAxGxE 16a (10) Making one...
We still have no electric after 48hrs. We have now been told that it is likely to be the end of the week before its back up running. :-( So both I and my mother (who lives next door) are affected. I...
Could you check your profiles for me please? http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/user/stats.php Are you getting 20 answers per page? The right number of answers appearing in lists. Does everything work as...
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Mechanism or area of brain that regulates desire for, and intake of, food. 8 letters
I have ? P ? E ? T ? ?
Many thanks in advance,
Taff Williams...
Stuck on last two. 1d 20th century american experimental composer whose works included the controversial 4'33'' (4,4). I have j--n --g-. 4d one of the four substances that were once thought in ancient...