BBC drama series starrin Jack Warner that ran from 1955-1976(5,2,4,5) ?I?O?/??/????/?R?E? 2 young to know it!!!!! Winner with john fitzgerald of the 1991 wimbledons mens double tennis...
37 across. british poet laureate who suceeded sir lohn betjeman in 1984 (3,6) 9 down. slender balconied tower attached to a mosque. (7) 17 across. pointed surgical knife with two sharp edges. (6)...
Please can you help with the following: Crusader: 13 across - Burgeoning, emerging (7) n - s - e - t Sir Lancelot: 17 down - Cryptic clue: Car's good to Roy perhaps but this is better? (8) Quck clue :...
27across 5 letters ' --s-n ' - town in south korea associated with petrochemical industry 34down 4 letters 's-o-' unit of chain length equal to 75feet in britain Thanks in advance Pippa Spencer...
Having a bad day today, I'm totally stuck on the bottom left hand corner. In desperation I even tried the crib site but it won't open up!!! (Serves me right) So can anyone help me with 23 and26A...
Step by step procedures for solving problems. (Been to the end of the first 20 pages of answers and nobody has asked it yet? - or am I missing something?)
Can anyone help me with Times Jumbo 635? (yes, I always do them a week late so that I don't have to wait for the paperboy on a Saturday morning) Fenland bank staff act badly R?D?A?
Last 2 can you help i've tried googling 15a, government minister with a seat in the cabinet, currently held by rt hon charles clarke. ?o?? / ?e?r?t?r? 2d, impoverished to a degree where survival will...