Can't believe I couldn't find this already answered - must be drinking too much:HALF ALCOHOL AT A FIXED TEMPERATURE. PS What do you think of the 'blinking' ads down the side?
Hi, any clues would be appreciated on the following: 3: Prior to the launch 9: Take control of the brain 80: The inner circle 76: found on portland for example 82: signal of imminent sailing All are...
Largest of orkney Isles ???O?A Colourless gas formed by electric discharge in oxygen ??O?E 18th century leicestershire workman alleged to have destroyed industrial machinery ?E? ?L?D? Thankyou, I am...
pieces of fibre laid between floorboards and carpets to increase insulation UNDER?E??? Goddess of love in Scandinavian mythology ?R??A Area of land off coast of Co Antrim R?????N island
Greenhouse perennials with various coloured daisy-like flowers, native to the Canary Islands(31a) 10. Substance packed under pressure and able to be released as a fine spray(23d)7.
A less than straightforward puzzle this week methinks. 21 Down. I have just looked up Cartesian System which shows the horizontal axis as being called ABSISSA. This does not fit with 28 across FIBRE....