Well Isis thinks that their not anyway !.
Hey there... not sure how many remember me on here but for those who do... I finally got my spinal fusion [and generally clear out of scar tissue from previous disectomys [sp] at the beginning of...
With the help of some of you lovely cooks, I have in the past few months made a, beef mince, lamb, beef and chicken casseroles in my slow cooker. Now I would like to make something different, but not...
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3144179/The-wrong-kind-heat-Trains-cancelled-tracks-buckle-sun-expected-tomorrow-heatwave-hits-35C.html So we are in for a few days of summer, and what happens?...
Just been reading through Elinas post below. Just got me wondering, what is it with hairy armpits? Men (as a whole) find hairy armpits on a woman a complete turn off (at least in the western world as...
I just happen to be reading a backdated copy of the TLS (May 23 2014) and a review of a book entitled 'Return From The Natives', which describes how as America entered WWII, anthropologist Margaret...
Looks like Dave is going to be using the 'Risky' ploy.
Greece to shut banks and stock exchange tomorrow.
http://www.ukcalling.info/freephone I saw this in the back of the Saturday Times as well. This move is not before time and it seems we have Ofcom to thank. The Mobile operators have been getting way...
Evening all! Have now spent 36 hours puzzling over 4D and decided that expert help is needed! Clue - Taint in a way to produce ill-feeling. 6 letters. Thought of all sorts of words, but now down to a...
Trying to trace a line from a Hancock's Half Hour. Sid (I think) was reading from the paper. "There's a bloke here says he can put two electrodes on your head and cure you of (something). For an extra...
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-33300543 The Eurogroup are playing hardball here and tightening the noose another notch. Perhaps as well as avoiding Tunisia, Brits should be thinking seriously...
Just watched this (I know I am sad, but I like it) at one point Captain Mannering in his bank manager role says to Mrs Pike, something like, "yes I think the best thing to do is sell your Channel...
The PM said today ,terrorist attacks in France, Tunisia and Kuwait it can happen anywhere . Yes Cameron it can! . When will it be the UK , not IF but when, we need Boots on the ground in the UK now,...
Bearing in mind the awful predicament that Greece is in at the moment can someone explain to me how the whole Euro system works ? If several different countries get together to form an alliance,...
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-33270586 Just a few months after the Government announced this ambitious modernisation of our national railway structure, its now being delayed and/or cut back. It...