im sure they glad they were found caught, all 68 of them
I believe this site could improve itself by allowing its patrons to give answers a thumbs up or a thumbs down
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2) Will they do it?...
Hello all. Last one and I have C-M-R-C. The only answer I can think of is CAMBRIC, but I can't get my head round the reasoning. Thank you in advance for enlightenment. :o)
Chest pains that feel like someone standing on my chest, pains go through to the back of my ribs and when the pain subsides I'm left 'feeling' my heart for the rest of the day. Advised to make a...
The government will be selling off its last 30% shareholding in Royal mail as part of its austerity cuts. As there is no longer any connection with the state after this, should they be able to call...
Where would i find a list of teasets that are valuable? I have a collection here....nearly 100,and im continuing to collect!! Not to sell just curious really.... Or does anyonelse collect & know good...
I want to grow and train a blackberry along a trellis in my back garden now, but all the online garden shops won't ship till September. Do you think it is possible to take cuttings from an established...
Answerbank won't allow me to use it either-William the ***. Evil to him to evil thinks. Hundreds of people are what they used to be called illegitimate, there should be no stigma.
I was at church on sunday and the minister as part of his sermon was speaking about being confronational and he asked people to put up their hands who like confronation. Well I did and I was the only... Apart from the aggressive racial attacks by this man, why did...
Could you look after an 8 month baby at 66 years old for two days a week. A friend of mine is now doing it but called round this morning and he is adorable but I couldn't do the lifting and changing...
Is this for real? We all know that Yoko is as mad as a box of frogs, but ... Obviously this will make the...
“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally...