It made me think, Where were you when JFK got shot? and Where were you when the Twin Towers were hit? these are two dates in history where people say they knew where they were.. I was 17, when JFK was...
you Love/ Hate ?? I like allpeople, but very sorry to any Brums, don't like that accent, adore the liverpool one and the Scottish, especially the west like Glasgow I like the West country one too ,...
Everybody, have you seen my glockenspiel thread it has suddenly vanished into thin airings. Vell Ve vill vin ze next vorld cup. And zen take over ze vorld and the spare editor on here who haz no soh...
My sister was approched by two bosnia beggers today.When she refused them,they walked on by,then spat on the back of her coat.And these people were'nt kids,they were in their 30. FILTHY PIGS.
Marriage Guidance Jacqueline and her husband Mark went for counselling after 25 years of marriage. When asked what the problem was, Jacqueline went into a passionate, Painful tirade listing every...
drive like maniacs? I had an appointment this morning and my car decided to spring a leak, water all over the driveway (am waiting for the mechanic now) - so my son's friend kindly offered to drive...
I have just been into town to the post office and as I walked by near the bus station I saw weeping people stood in front of a mound of flowers laid on the path . Yesterday , in broad daylight and...
first time in tech. I have downloaded some videos from youtube and would like to be able to play them on my stand alone DVD player, they play on my computer after putting them on a disk, My dvd player...
I've only just heard that Danny La Rue died last week. He was described by Bob Hope as "the most glamorous woman in the world". (That's a myth - cos I am). This revelation reminded me of a Blanche-ism...
lot better,than the stupid scriptwriters in soaps!!! What daft unconvincing clap-trap they are coming up with Who would you pen a story line about, Can you mix all the soap characters into one "biggy"...
Thick fog here in Gloucestershire this morning. We had a spectacular thunder storm yesterday, quite a sight. have a good day whatever you are doing everyone.
created a google sign in, went to youtube , signed in, went to upload a music video, do I have to create a new folder, I'm stuck,,,,helpppppppp joyx I want to upload allmy favs and then transfer to...