Help with a few remaining 2b high impact rand of woofer popping party hip-hop (5) 8b.sweetie or game (9) 13a airline reconstructing can show style at the top (4.3.) 16a TV quiz show(3.4) 16aname...
Stage and screen double acts
5.fades gradually to french prefix and five(6.3.3.)
12.have cider with this girl and her companion(6.3.3)
21.cook in hot oil with hgv we hear (3.3..6)...
1 asteal parts of a race track (4.5) To rhyme with Scott I think 10.homehelp to avoid a flight((9) I think to fhyme with drift 17a.likely to win in the best bean section ((5.6) think it rhymes with...
1a steal parts of a race track (4.5)
8a dropping of point (5)
12b musical instrument for use in the kitchen (8)
20b Alsace airstrips turned around not a direct flight(6.9)
Thanks for any help...
Spring cleaning 9. Month is shortened with this ,it's said(7) 17. This is in my madness (6) 19.go by small ford& twelve (6) 23.Dont take this away ,it exists(5) 28.Regarding an alcoholic spirit with...
Rhyming quiz 10a. In an anticlockwise. Direction(11) to rhyme with twins 13b. Connects Celeste .Sabrina. and Sylvia(8) answer to rhyme with wherries 15a. Poms wife (10) answer rhymes with Inkle I...
3a even after vodka it helps one to go straight(6.5)
3b rumple or. Disarrange(8)
5b.faberge egg(
Lizzie's rhyming vowels missing 37 DGDP
4a the lady of heavens hen(4)
4b Porsche off road car (7)
7a.oloosloos (7.2.4)
13b pet cat in error gets chicken feed! (8)
Think it might rhyme with permission. Thanks for all help...
A couple left to do all help appreciated
20. Quietly count Heather (8) protection preparation. (6.6) think it's something screen
29! Happy satisfaction craft 6.4...
Just realise only have half an answer for 18 a I have clout as answer
18b future is bleak for the needy -be careful (4.7) I think it's something without all help much appreciated...
Lizzie's rhyming clues11animal that hides in bush or sett (5) to rhyme with gorse or furze 4a Aris in London's East End (6) 14b 2006 =wicked 2010=jump what does 2016= Last few to finish all answers...
Some help needed please 3b Goes over in posh transport (5) I think it rhymes with glove 9b attacks a terrible place to make shocking news (9) I think rhymes with Rochelle 19 bridge or table (7) 19b...