Ihave gone hopelessly wrong somewhere.Please can anybody help? 16a Dome-shaped shrine that contains Buddhist relics.Ihave tried Stupas but it does not fit in. Many thanks.
Really stuck please can you help?13d person engaged in conversation. Ten letters I have got so far -o-l-c-t-r. I must have gone wrong somewhere? thanks in advance.
Please can anybody help? 7d I think should be Beefalo but I cannot fit it in for I have got the word castle running through it.The t being where the second e should be.Thanks in advance.
Can anybody help please. Stuck on 2d Opening remark on a ship? I have got I-e-r- a -e -.Ican only get the word inebreates or inebreated. Thanks in advance.
Please can anybody help? I still need 4d.I have got -y-a-e. The question is Richard ...comic acter whose tv roles include Moss in The It Crowd.. Many thanks
Help needed please. 1a Ruin carafe sent from two continents.I think its an anagram of ruin carafe.but I have had no luck. I have got e-r-f-i-a-.Thank you in advance.