17a, gambles onriver boat, ????? 26a, prefers good turns, ???o?r? 51a, concernin function centre earnings, ?e???u? 68a, uniform take back in by headmaster, s?m? 8d, objective to change boundaries, or...
4a, do take lease out separately for a change, p?r?? 4d, city planner's first poem, roving eyes, p?m?e?i 6d, bore bowed to the inevitable, ??e?d?d 8d, i spin around, helping to get...
17a, concerning stress check, r?s?r??? 41a, alex is missing, exclaimed distraught doctor, m?d?? 65a, authorised leading lady, for example, to imitate characters, ?e?i?i?a?? 66d, field on northern...
53a, sinench went in peace, ???e?c?
52d, asks for directions, o???r?
60a, stayed out of firm, s?e??
50d, restricted to fine night broadcasts, ???i?e
thanks for any help...
picard'stea order, make it??
exactly perpendicular, ?lu??
As?p to cerberus
in my opinion, i?o
oial media happening group, f?ash???
thanks for any help...
2d, concentrate on studies in church, c?n?e?s? 3od, musiians staggered into grass, ???a?i?t? 31d, discovered poor deer fell through, ???n?e?e? 51a, indicated midshipman is on diet at sea, ???n??? 57d,...
14a, 17a, and 24a, french proverb, ?o?i ???? ??i ?a/ y ????? 8a, confine to a monastery or convent, ?l?i???r 13d, self denial avoidance, a???i???c? 19a, storing- for safe keeping, ?t?s?i?g thanks for...
15a, computer-based catalogue, ?a?????e
27a, rambling tale, ?n?????e
15d, towers,over, ?w?r?s
18d, residence, ????e. is this abode or house?
thanks for any help....