137d, using no water, a???o?d. 152a, adequate, ???ent. Have tried asking for help before on these but didn't get any answers. Many thanks for any help.
16a, the spanish flipper is like a fairy, a???n. 14d, how you might leave pier as an insult, ???e?d. 68a, even Elle said "take control", l?a?. Many thanks....
8d, toiletries gift box, ??f?r??. 7d, ANZAC or NASA,??r?n??. 119d, interspersed, p?n?t???e. 214d, subcontinent goat, ka????r. NO2 base in explosives, n?t?o group..116d,native french speaker,...
84a, turn inside out, e?a?t. 138d,flowering tree or plant, a??io????m. 181d, profane, ??a?? R?t?s. 6d, obvious, p?tent.113, drug test control substance, ????e?o. Many thanks.