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Sustain with food and other materials necessary for life? - 7 letters??
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The main drain outside our house is blocked. We have an inspection plate ( approx 3ft x 2ft ) in our driveway when lifted you can see the build-up. Hubby has rods down (25ft) but still not moved the...
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SaxyJag How can the schools justify taking these children in the first place? If a parent took their child out of school to attend this event, there would be...
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a few days ago i posted this question es/Question247123.html its now got to the stage where he is taking pictures and filming us. This was on friday and...
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which country is the worlds highest waterfall?
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is "getting a knighthood" mean a "sir" title and "getting knighted" a obe /mbe/cbe ?
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my daughter is 41 with 3 children i have not seen her for 3 years she has moved and she has not given her family her address she has always been a very private person and has a personality problem....
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Why do THEY believe that everybody likes ultra cold beer and other drinks? I find that the colder a drink is, the less flavour it has. I hate cold Newcastle Brown Ale and bitter or Guiness. Water is...
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how would i say i love you in french?
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I'm about to decorate a house I move into 6 months ago. The previous occupants had weird ideas on how to paint a room and have painted over all the light switches and wall sockets with emulsion paint....
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Apparently they are open to the public - does anybody know where they are please? T.I.A.
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Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset...
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Does anyone have a Citizens' Card? What is it and how do you get one? I've just been on a web site but there's no address. Thanks.
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hi,my son is 17 yrs old and he has a full bike license which he just recently passed.and he is still on provistional car and what happen is that we bought a car and i was with him (giving him a...
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in answer to your reply,i do not take my children out of school when i feel like it ,we as a family have not been abroad together for six years we have had 2 big loses from our family and our relation...
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hi, i committed a motoring offence 4 months ago, and have not heard anything yet from the magistrates, and i am now going away for 10 weeks this will be then taken over the 6 month peroid,what would...
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I noticed in another question that someone was worried that their boss was going to install a tracking device in their company vehicle and was there an easy way of finding them. The overiding answer...
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which prime minister awarded the beatles mbe's?
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What is the rough number of humans the earth could support confortably or with ease? How many people are there now?
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I have 4 kids and my new partner has 3 kids We all get on well... had afew problems... mainly to do with his ex, with CSA payments.. which my partner pays every month with out fail... but the kids...

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