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means to run with mittens off Any ideas?...
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31 across small spiny finned fish found in shallow coastal waters b-e-n- 40 down follower or expounder of the pre-Copernican system of asronomy that placed the earth at the centre of the universe...
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asin islanders society'y customs wearing a cravate 8 ?i?o????
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sunday times 4363 12 down He appears to be late and 15 accross Drive perhaps right into staffs city Help
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Cant think of this answer "He appears to be lat"
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I would really appreciate help with final 2 clues. 2d. Man heading off from valley doesn't finish fast.(3). I have l?n 6d. Feeble record I am cutting.(4). I have l?m?...
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12d setting firmly into. ?M???D?N?
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8a Gamekeeper holds back sword (4) I have -P-O 22a American writer carrying Times around display (4) I have E-P- Any help appreciated – they're my last two....
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Gloried, exulted (8) *e*o*c*d
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Once again I've got two answers I can't totally explain. 6d Slovenly woman believed first in converging depressions. Must be DISHEVELLED - Di is a woman, so is Eve but where are believed and...
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Being such a cold place , lady's maid ran and lit fire (9,6) Not the brightest items of millinery ( 6,4) keep thinking hats!!!!...
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last two please help 24 across they support one and sell one a miscellany. a?l?e? 12 down a palebuck or tailless ibis .o?i?i
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Figure quoted in Hackney, £0.00? (4) ?R?E Is it free? And what has Hackney to do with it. Glad of help please. Thanks E
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Instead of cluttering up Q&P, please put all the quotation clues in one question, all the modes of transport in another etc. in the future.
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Pls help in finding a quotation (from a great speech) with the following clue: 'He had it on a piece of paper' and the following letter pattern: '1,7,2,2,5,2,3,4' Thanks...
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Please can you help with finding a quotation (from 'a great speech') that fits the following clue: 'But she had the stomach of a king' with the following letter pattern: 1,4,1,4,3,4,2,1,4,3,6,5 Thanks...
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Discourage travels I had taken Westward round island 8 ??s?i?i?
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I gave up last night. Anyone help with these? 1d By Torquemada's assent, held by scholarlt monk 6 b?s??? 20a Sructure rigged so as to yield under pressure 8 ???g?r?e 39a Engineer's arguement against...

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