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21d A 20 (nothing) in graduate's paper (6) ?O?I?A
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11a) Frost of ice crystals (4) H - A - 24d) Having offensive smell (5) F - T - D Thanks in advance :)
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16a With people around, left firing range? (4) ?I?? 27a Attendant breaking up Derby County riots (8) 10d Line agreed by the French 20 (nothing) or, facetiously, the French King (5,8) is the answer...
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20d in movie making, an abrupt break in the continuity of a scene created by editing out part of a shot or scene. (4,3) J*M* C*T
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1d- a message about temperature I had, providing remedy a??????? 3d- man housing very systematic record collection a?????? 5d- exploded courts into bits, delaying legal process o???????i????? 6d- he,...
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32a - Pop genre created by bands like the Beatles and the searchers in the 1960's. two words (6,4) *e*s** *e*t
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(32a) Longs to see new approach to ethics. (6) I _ _ _ E _ (35d) Clock on first person who causes unrest. (8) _ L _ R _ I _ T. (48a) Agent Eliot. that is to say, appears to be a monster. N _ S _ _ E.
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1981 Pontins Junior Champion? 6 An autumn months work? 7 A dangerous beginning? 8
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6 down . turn out -the organisation promises you fame finally. e?s?e
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last one -help please 5d best sort of capital investment 4 H?L? halo has been suggested but i don't see why-the h comes from 4a wine found in many picnic baskets 8 ???M?E?S presumably champers thanks
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Sloppy hands act sycophantically on board (9) SC?AW?S I'm sure the letters are correct?
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19d tiny piece of land has been chartered (5) ?s?e? could be essex but cant see why also what is tv programme anagram from wgiettsnweh
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16 across Hail interjection addressed to more than one person. I have ??l?e?o. I have no Idea what the answer is. Tell
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What one is not well out of? (5 ) letters ?o?t?
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Am having a real tussle with this one from Sat, what is the game 16d and alcoholic drink 20d? Please.....
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Help with one to finish please. 12A Jack is leading the front-runners in desert (4) ?I?T
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Can anyone please help with 19a Valuables seized in warfare? (6), 5d Philanthropic, benign? (10) & 6d Seized another's place or authority? (7) Thanks in advance J
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17a Company's security policy (6,2,7) ?????? ?? N?????? 14a Way with water shown in posh wedding where wine miraculously transformed by litre! (5,5,5) No letters yet. Thank you.
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21a city backs queen before four (6) I have ?i?n?a another last one!. thanks
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3 left I think - assuming i don't have any wrong 5d best sort of capital investment H?L? 19d Short cut from the beach ? S?I?L?E 26d Kind of bender the vanquished go on ?G?E have really reached a brick...

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