help please can't get brain into gear at all. 6d an insignificant person in the lady's bed? It's a former P.M! (7,7) 31 one's life is one's own (14) I have g as the eighth letter. thanks in advance
I feel really thick but can't get these-please help thanks 44a Prosecuter's initial bitterness in declaration to court(11) ??e?????e?t. 11d (10,6) In it artisan could turn nasty 36d (11) Persistent...
Going mad with this one! Any help would be great. 1ac Noble philosopher the French abandoned to entertain key artist. (10) and is 4d Pass over uninhabited island if carrying English officer (7-2-5)...
Me again - now stuck on 37dn. Put a circle round name for someone found in New World 10 letters ?M?R?N?I?N 46dn - sure this should be 'lies in' but is it? Clue: Finds room for sloth,perhaps, at bottom...
Hi, Can't get going with top right!! Help! 17ac POPULAR LAD i WENT OUT WITH TURNED THE HEAT ON 11letters. I?T?M?????? 10dn. Money-pounds,maybe- laid out on hammers. 11 letters. ??o?????c?? 30ac....
50a. Series of sombre conclusions tourist in Wales might come to 6. 47d Back boiler exploding 6. ?i???o 51d. Trainee roughly dealt with little boy fleeing. 5. ??d?t
3d old French town's ill-equipped for 35. 7 18d. Rashly covering pine nut. 8 Finish off letter punctiliously to church about new banning order. 1,6 24d. Kiss excessively large copper on behind. 8. 4d....
Help plse 13a. Show type of harrow on one's estate covered in leaves. 6,6,5 15a. They deliver blocks and one short stick 6. 6d. Sports victory changing policy terms 6,8 39d Indian began rolling in...