Struggling with a few! Any help appreciated. 6d Small ferry port on the west coast (9) L???A?I?E 16d Of or pertaining to a mythical king of Phrygia (9) T?N???E?N 18d Become like the people of a...
can anyone confirm the following clues?! 2d city sounds more imposing (7) AUGUSTA 44a one looking after diamonds in their original setting, right? (6) MINDER 56a They're entitled to employ worker at...
Whi is the only footballer to a) Win a premiership medal b) Win a FA Cup winners medal c) Win a Champions League medal d) Win an UEFA cup winners medal e) Win an Olympic Gold Medal and f) Be relegated...
need help with three clues. rt37; 10a stardom holds back bother (4) ?R?T times cryptic 774; 27d supplier of pork covered in fat (8) is this leeboard? 31a Establishment brings conservative forward in...