can anyone help with these last five to finish the quiz thanks 17/ Bringing about a lawsuit on her. 61/ Coward or scared bird organs 65/ necessity. A short American late. 79/ Alcove and a short...
Help and thanks 70/ 1 C in an A 100/ T as 2 S P 121/ 6 C B in S 124/ 1 is V of R B in S 131/ 9 T of C in H 132/ 19 C on a T P B 135/ 20 G in a S 141/ 4 N in a B
Please can anyone help with these 41/ 9 I in a B G 53/ 9 M of P 58/ 10 P for Q and Z in S 72/ 16 D in an O 73/ 3 S and Y O in B 74/ 1 R A in E B 75/ 3 M in a R of B 76/ 2 H on a B C
139/ this will open any door 140/ the dogs in the park running free 142/ suck it or you'll break your teeth 143/ not telling anyone 144/ fan left or right cos he's warm 147/ it's rude to have a...
134/ break up the little white ones 124/ he's not dead yet 116/ royal fighter 123/ didn't take off 108/ got loads of money but he's not here 98/ stealthy tissue
please help 200/ Cooked rookie fruits that think's they're vegetables in oil. 198/ recomoitre with only lad left 197/ shiny car lifter for populated area 195/ recepticle for neighbours 193/ hit twice...
please help 5/ red drawn 52/ Bucket Head 55/ i think you'll need a tank to break that habit 56/ it's worth acting serious 57/ quick and pretty miffed 65/ unique although there are seven
any help with these please
red drawn
buckt head
i think you'll need a tank to break that habit
its worth acting serious
quick and pretty miffed
unique although there are seven
help please 2 Finisher 8 Sidestep spherical objt 14 Bloke without a parachute 49 Left foot red, right hand yellow 52 Bucket head 55 i think you'll need a tank to break that habit
once again thanks to everyone who helped
the 0 is the AN for the AA
just to let anyone know
a BK is C a J the answer is a baby kangaroo is called a joey
only 11 to get and i get then get some work done The S of R and J were M and C There are 21 C in the EA FS is a S in the WO there are 12000 M in a M the A of the WH is 1600 PA the O is the AN for the...
help again please C has L B with 13 OC AE was the A the NP for P G was the W for KA 6M by N is FF KCG was the I of the SR A,P and A was the N of the 3 M
thanks again for the answers driving me nuts this quiz how about the answers to these the S of R and J were M and C JG was the S of TWOO there are 6 S in the G of C a F with an 18 C is for A O BOOH...
thanks to everyone for the answers can anyone help with these 57 V was RG of L 63 AH was the D of P 70 The TM in the H is ME 77 TG did the A in MPFC 83 S is the SC of C 88 there are 6QC in the G of TP
can anyone help with the clues or answers 9 the Vof X in s is 8P 17 BF was the I of the LR 18 C is the C with the Lp 22 AW the ESC for S 41 RCW an O for the FG 56 C,L and M were the N of the TS