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Could anyone help with the answers to these cryptic film title clues 152. Final frontier jelly 154. When dreams happen 155. Apache under the stairs 156. Show contempt for ending 157. The earth is...
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Can anyone help with answers to the following cryptic film title clues 124. He's not dead yet 125. Your numbers up 132. It's all lit up 134. Break up the little white ones 135. Lift scrounger has map...
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Could anyone help with the following cryptic film title clues. 64. Unique although there are seven 70. Angry streets? 72. Switch positions 75. Shhh the woman looking after us has carked it 98....
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please help 5/ red drawn 52/ Bucket Head 55/ i think you'll need a tank to break that habit 56/ it's worth acting serious 57/ quick and pretty miffed 65/ unique although there are seven
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any help with these please red drawn buckt head i think you'll need a tank to break that habit its worth acting serious quick and pretty miffed unique although there are seven
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once again thanks to everyone who helped the 0 is the AN for the AA just to let anyone know a BK is C a J the answer is a baby kangaroo is called a joey
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Can anyone help with the film title from these cryptic clues. 11. Short while for cash 13. I am not in scream 18. What was it about the virgin? 21. Bedford devil's location warbling 24. Buffy might...
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only 11 to get and i get then get some work done The S of R and J were M and C There are 21 C in the EA FS is a S in the WO there are 12000 M in a M the A of the WH is 1600 PA the O is the AN for the...

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