just stuck on two please if anyone can help. all answers are peaks and troughs, highs and lows, 43 - In a tent in other words (5,6) 71 - "... I'll kiss you and you'll kiss me, oh how happy we...
Hi, I'm having trouble with one answer - the clue is the title of the song "What are you doing New Years Eve?" Can any one enlighten me who sang this please? the answer has to be 4,8,5. I...
is anyone else doing this quiz? I'm not usually stuck on logos to the extent I am on this one. I still have 26 of them to go and it has to be posted on Monday lastest !!!. Does anyone have this quiz...
Could anyone give me clues to logos 5 and 28, or the chappie in picture 36 please? I've googled for hours but cannot seem to find these. Any help would be appreciated.
many thanks
Hi, am really stuck on two, would anyone be able to help please? 26 - Sport loses 21 27 - A step donw from no 1 both answers have to be artists surnames. any help much appreciated. many thanks...
I appreciate that most people are searching for the answers for the same last few questions, but is anyone out there able to give me a clue for logos 8 and 23 please?
many thanks
Hi, is there anyone who could give me clues to the logo section of this quiz please? I'm all googled out on Logo's 8, 13, 15, 23, 24, and 27 and then Famous place number 101. I had found earlier on...
Am really stuck on this quiz, it may be me just having a senior moment, but can anyone help on the following few please? All answers are items of clothing. Gent swallows a bit of the Bible (6) Body...
hi, got stuck on the last 5 - does anyone have any inspiration on these please? For Example : If M & M - Comedy (Clue = Nano Nano) Answer is Mork and Mindy what are: H & O - Songwriters (Clue...
I'm down to 4 and would really like to post this one out soon.
Can anyone help with Logo 16, Famous Face 48, Famous Face 54 and maybe a clue for place 103?
many thanks
the clue is : Page I included to display vocal prowess
the answer is a girls name and has 6 letters
this is driving me mad - could anyone help me on this please?
Hi everyone, have really enjoyed this quiz but just come unstuck on the last 2, any clues or help would be appreciated please if possible? 17 Uncle Spooner might forego card game 65 Ruins the ceremony...
seem to have got really stuck with this one, have trawled thru sweetie shops but still cannot get these last 4 - any help would be much appreciated please. The quiz is in the form of a story with...
Really stuck on my last one and cannot get inspiration at all.
Would be grateful for help with number 66
*a**e**o* by **e*/ *a***e**
many thanks
can anyone help with faces 31 & 32 please, and films 67, 79 & 82 ?
I'm really stuck on these last five - any help much appreciated
many thanks
Kaishe 48...
Have just got 3 to do now, wondered if anyone can help so I can make the closing date please? 14 - Against 49 up in the air (8) 74 - Flog to bits on reflection (5) 88 - Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus...
the question is under an "Anniversaries" section of the quiz What comes next in the sequence carnation lily of the valley sunflower and hydrangea? any ideas on this please? many thanks...
the answers are all the brand names for the clues of TV slogans. for example : Don't live a little, live a ______ = Lotto therefore: can anyone help with the following please: 130 - Only _______ 146 -...
hi, could anyone help with the question 17 in this quiz Clue = Which table game is named after a type of falcon? I've been through the list of falcons, peregrine, merlin, hobby etc., but just cannot...