Still stuck on a few. Any help much appreciated. 26. Her jester will be sad with these two relatives. 31. No! Your up the duff, disciple stopping boat 46. Not a bad rattle by the seaside Thanks again...
Hi, sorry to ask for help, but AB search facility isn't working on my machine at present and I'm stuck on a few of these. All answers are parts of the body. 3 - identity number in London Area 11 -...
Please can you help with the following clues 55 Does it keep you warmer in old age.6 63 Most of the population of this town would not wear one 8 3 76 This pseudonym was used by a well known author in...
I hope I am not the only person doing this quiz !! I wouldnt be surprised because its pretty difficult. Any help would be appreciated, answers are all parts of the body and there are no numbers of...
There is a new quiz out to raise money for the Flag Fen Discovery Appeal. ?1 + S.A.E. (C5 size preferred) 80 varied questions Closing date = 31st October 2008 Available from: Flag Fen Discovery...
the closing date is looming and I'm stuck on just three. if anyone can help please? all are island names from anywhere in the world: 1) Senior Accountant 2) Would you buy your lounge suite here? 3)...
I am struggling with Number 3. As a lay preacher Donald has to go out at night etc. I have an answer for Number 20 Romanian is the language of vampires etc. but I am not sure whether this is right or...
My turn now! From the second page I still need 66)Prefers pork? (9) 78)Mint or toffee (7) 85)Organ's rim (10) 86)Snare a make of motorcycle? (4,6) 90)Pit's top (8) Thanks for any help, can help on any...
I'm really struggling with some questions for this quiz, can anyone save me from sleepless nights please? I'd appreciate any help anyone can give me !!! All answers are place names in Great Britain....