23 dn: One good perm ultimately stops person coming to him? (3,5) ?I? MAKER I think it is wig maker but is it just me that finds many of the answers to this puzzle very hard to match to the clues. Or...
34dn: Bravest boxers slip, taking one repeatedly (12) ?N?E?G?R?E?T I have been looking at this for a while and can not decide on innergarment or undergarment and I can not match either to the clue...
24 ac:English composer of high stature lives here. I know the answer is TALLIS but having the word "here" at the end of the clue is a bit confusing as it could point to TALLIN, which of course is a...
27dn: Was pleased about little woman being given top decoration. (8) ?E?O???D I think rejoiced but can not decipher it to the clue. 38ac: Waiting for computers etc. to arrivebeing about to suffer as...