Cryptic WED DM 9A study small vineyard very small (8) s?r?t??? is 4D mantrap - clue is staff leave over snare for poachers. 29A consider maiden in penury, put away (8) ?I?i???? 31A first of ponds in...
DM CRYPTIC Tues 10A scoff beef initially in shopping centre, in this form (8) ??a?b??? 8D Traffic wardens relax with one father, son and bikers regularly (8,6) ??????o?/ladies 19A writer's going round...
Tues DM 1D Cleaner's removing woody plant rook carried in (9,5) 26A Boss cook I recruited to perform around 4(5,9) and 20A Where straggler is, in spite of everything (5,3) Thank you
DM MON 10D Easily understood like mountain streams (7,5) 25A retreat, having large prize rejected (10) ???h?r???? 22D towards the centre where patients are found (7) Thank you
Fri DM Is 16D excess - clue is old game lacking husband's profligacy? Now what is 1A please clue - in theory a sole republican welcomes trivia - I have o?/p???R. and 9A slight annoyed EU, not America...
DM THUR 6D fancy using hall during contract as a means of communication (7,8) 1D A college praises mum who's introduced skills (15) and 20A Old magistrate always comes back full of energy (5) Thank...
Tues 16184 6A Sailors left in various other things for polar display (8.6) 26A develop tract in a region that's unexplored (5,9) and 8D edited woman's edition on line lacking depth (3-11) Thank you
16181 DM 29A Where to sell cows,bulls and bears here? (5,6) 6D Crude low-necked garment wanting royal acceptance(15) and 1D Where actors are preparing to come on secretly (6,3,6) Thank s
6D I sell fund off in a quiet way, for my own benefit (4-11) 1D simultaneous New York chorus with son is awful (11) 16D Desperate hang on with abandon (4-5) 29A Biography, with or without greeting...
DM Wed 25A Guy in Paris picked up dairy product (4) ?h?e 13A Old giraffe approached master guarding old man (10) ?a?e?o?a?d 30A children's author one with a colourful plot feature (6) d?h?i? is it...
MOn7D Doctor typically spoils nice portrait (12) 29A Manor, despite collapsing, holds a commanding position (12) 28A Ham and eggs queen's taken in court (7) 2D It's selfish to leave some more money in...
DM FRi 12A member of legislature who works in Ikea (11)
5A Drive a goddess nonstop with energy (6) A???u?
9A Old ascetic ingests cold plant extract (7)
4D lock castle for going away (5)
16161 DM Is 11A - oaf or off - clue:- youth's case abandoned and dismissed (3) 18D domestic atmosphere about five past four (6) ??i??? 27A very nearly returned number one's form (7) ??r?i?n Thank you...
16161 DM 6D a grand european inn fits in more mature retiree (3-3,9) 29A Nick instrument designed to deter lice (3,8) 1D Noted career girl worked for boss of BBC (8-7) and 16D home team respecting new...
16160 DM Wed 8D old PM initially expanded navy in higher latitudes (8) ??r?h?r? 31A ship is holding horse back in round-up (8) ?s?o???s and 9A Magical mood beginning to envelop daughter and us (8)...
Morning all. DM MON 11A wreck two carriers (6,4) i?s?e?/c?s? 13D Symbolic fruit with remedial effect beginning to go off (10) ?i???ative and 7D Mystics dance undeer branch engaging key part of brain...
DM CRYPTIC 19A poor dancers tend to be surpassed (11) t---s-e-d--? 2D tried to attract Roman writer with light (5-10) --u-t/-a-t---l-d 10A first-class average returns following a complaint (7)...