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10a- after end of employment one has money put in annuity scheme t???i?e 11d- plant providing no fruit with sharp taste before 4-2-7 ??l? m? t?n?e?e 20d- one particular mitford girl u?i?y
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registered trade name for system of projecting widescreen movies _ I _ T _ _ _ _ _ O _ English painter noted for study of animals _ A _ F _ _ _ _
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Can anyone help me? 1 Hurl with a trap? (3,5) 2 A collection of barristers? (3,3) 3 Episcopal, but not used for communion? (5,4) 4 Mayor of Dijon's black and white? (3) 5 Lock up a salt nut to tease?...
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What females are hidden in the clues: 1. Did she give her answer? 2. In a barge? 3. A pot of basil
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38a Inhalant apertures in a sponge I have -s-u-a I can only find ostias but it does not fit. Thanks Folkes!
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31D A variety of China tea flavoured with bergamot (4,4) e-r---e- and 40A Peter ? 1919-1994 well known for his association with the Hammer Horror school (7) c-s-i-- and 39D Islands - a group in the...
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4d please. Fountain on Mt Helicon -g-n-p-e
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37d anyone of several former italian coins from the latin for shield
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6a Artist who designed Sgt Pepper 8d Mast of ceremonies 17a Waxy substance in cuticle of plants anyone know the answers?
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help please with. 15a 30a 29d thanks in anticipation
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over-charging, informally (8,7)
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12 across edible shellfish ??o?l?p 4 down former unit of magnetic field g?u?? 19 down throw into confusion b?d???l 25 across in a test tube (glass) i? ??t?o Many thanks in advance
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3d - Schubert's own title for the fourth symphony? letters - R - G - C
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7 a ? i ? ? ? h ? please ~ I got the Falstaff bit.........
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Stuck - again! help would be appreciated. 13d (5,4) Thatcher's unofficial ballot? 15a (7) Bowler shelters last of ancient ship 16a (7) notification of ebbing river included 19d (5) Smarten up grand...
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Wrote in legal form, completely absorbed in the job (9 LETTERS) ?N??I?S?D Please explain answer. Thanx
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3d Loose, usually black, head-to-toe robe worn by Muslim women(6 letters) 10a. Things or people immune to criticism.(Two words. - A - R - - and - O - S) Thanks
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inhalant aperture in a sponge
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Help wanted on last two. 13d Determinably, quantifiably (10) M?a?u?a?l? 23a Specifically created for someone or something (6:4) T?i?o?/m?d? Thanks in advance
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determinably or quantisfiably 13d (10) please? m-a-u-a-l-

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