10a- after end of employment one has money put in annuity scheme t???i?e 11d- plant providing no fruit with sharp taste before 4-2-7 ??l? m? t?n?e?e 20d- one particular mitford girl u?i?y
Can anyone help me? 1 Hurl with a trap? (3,5) 2 A collection of barristers? (3,3) 3 Episcopal, but not used for communion? (5,4) 4 Mayor of Dijon's black and white? (3) 5 Lock up a salt nut to tease?...
31D A variety of China tea flavoured with bergamot (4,4) e-r---e- and 40A Peter ? 1919-1994 well known for his association with the Hammer Horror school (7) c-s-i-- and 39D Islands - a group in the...
12 across edible shellfish ??o?l?p 4 down former unit of magnetic field g?u?? 19 down throw into confusion b?d???l 25 across in a test tube (glass) i? ??t?o Many thanks in advance
Stuck - again! help would be appreciated. 13d (5,4) Thatcher's unofficial ballot? 15a (7) Bowler shelters last of ancient ship 16a (7) notification of ebbing river included 19d (5) Smarten up grand...
3d Loose, usually black, head-to-toe robe worn by Muslim women(6 letters) 10a. Things or people immune to criticism.(Two words. - A - R - - and - O - S) Thanks
Help wanted on last two. 13d Determinably, quantifiably (10) M?a?u?a?l? 23a Specifically created for someone or something (6:4) T?i?o?/m?d? Thanks in advance