I want to work up to management level. Do managers get a good salary? What sort of responsibilities do they have? Is it too much responsibility in relation to the wage? I always thought managers job...
I\'ve booked on for next week. Does anyone know (cus I\'m not sure if the doctor said this) if you get treated if they find abnormal cells? It would be pointless having it if you don\'t get treated if...
I was moving out as I left my job but then I decided to stay. In the time between me deciding to leave and then deciding to stay my landlady got a new lodger. So now I am in the spare room which is a...
is that I told my brother and dad that I thought my landlady who I live in the same house with was on the game. I'm not normally a gossipy person but I told my dad and brother this because I believed...
Been trying to maintain contact with the ex and even thats gone wrong. Don't think it is possible to keep in touch now. Well thats it I've tried everything and I'm at the end of my tether. Went out...
rent. I'm moving from a double room/double bed to a single room/single bed. The reason is because I was going to be moving out and my landlady has got another girl for my room and has seen it and paid...
Not sure whether to leave my house now. I have given my notice in and have got til the end of the month. At the time my landlady said why didn't I just stay and claim housing benefit and I said...
I'm not entirely sure what Bea and Freddie have fallen out over tonight but the poor chap is very upset and having great difficulty expressing what he is trying to say which can be very distressing....
Good or bad? Can be both in my opinion. Kinda wears you out if you do it too often yet if you don't look deeply at things or see things in more than one way you could be missing out on things that...