If you pull into a carpark with number plate recognition but can't park up because all the spaces are full then you go back later on and park up still within the 3 hour time limit of the parking but...
Does anyone have any idea how egyptian fractions work? am trying to work out what 15/16 is as an egyptian fraction also 8/15 and 7/24 and if anyone could give a brief outline of how exactly to work it...
Hi would you let your daughter have the vaccine? am worried about side effects and now i've read they don't even know how long protection lasts for but recommend about 6 years so is it safe when we...
Am tearing my hair out at these last 3-
19a So! a?a
244a Mysterious and brooding (man) BYR?N?C
233d East Scotland coastal mist H?AE
thanks in advance for any help...
Does anyone have any travel sickness cures - both me and my daughter have tried accupressure bracelets and tablets but its still not helping. Is there any other ideas or any better pills than boots...
My daughter has just found a solid hard lump on her lower leg. It is about the size of two ten pence pieces. There is no bruising around the area - although when it is pressed it feels slightly...
Hey guys, From the start of my relationship with my wife, and since she was a little girl she has suffered with anxiety problems from events in her past that have damaged her self asteem. This anxiety...
Is it legal to pull into a layby that has a bus stop but no yellow lines or white lines declaring it as adedicated bus stop? I know you can't park in one that has the yellows but if it doesn't is it...
Did anyone else notice Mike Baldwins framed pictures of his wildlife stamps hung in the landing of the Websters house? You wouldn't have thought they would use them elsewhere on set would you?
Can anyone recommend a really good recipe for these. I know they are very basic so should be loads available. How do I make them "short" - is it in the fat used?
Hi, I have an on going problem with my 8 year old daughter. Shes very confident at home and doing well at school, however, when she's around people that she doesnt know very well, she will not speak,...
At school my child cooks in the last lesson of the day, the food is too hot to bring home and the teacher tells them she will place the lids on the air tight pots when it has cooled and then they pick...