Last two and am totally stuck:
67d Forgetful Person (8) EMNE-I-C I have probably gone wrong here
97a Speed control device (8) T--O-T-E
Most grateful for any help. Many thanks...
Films all the answers contain a building (the capital letter is the buildinh 8. t S a t c 13. m b L 16. t b S Song titles & singers 40 A - t m 42. h S n e - b f s 44. t o H - s s 45. m F - b d 48....
114d.submit to authoroty(4)o--y
103d.not including(6)e--e=t
65d.luxuriant fabric(4,4)g-ld/la-e
34a. panache(8)e-e----e
27d.slice of income(7)t---c-e
i thank you all for help...
last one -thank you for previous answers....
18a - without obligation - E? gratia - don't know if its en or ex
Anyone any ideas on a Scotlands mountain gem with 8 letters?...
The answers are all song titles contain a male name. 1. Does his head rest on his chest amongst all the tears? 4,4,4,4,3,6. 2. Now you know you're home! 4,3,4,3,3. 3. Sad winter thermals? 4,4,5....