All answers are either a children's game or nursery rhyme e.g. (J.A.J.-Jack and Jill; T.W.O.T.B. - The wheels on the bus). Stuck for three answers - please help if you can. 1) H.S.K.A.T. 2)...
1. meddle with - 1 word 6 letters
2. milled balsami - 1 word 10 letters
3. ovine handle - 2 words 4, 5
all answers are food related. thanks for help...
any help greatfully recieved thank you in advance 115 R and HD 118 DF the L 128 SI 134 BFGW 145 MF 146 WTA 148 The BV 149 WG Thank you again for any help you can give me these are driving me nuts...
All answers are connected with sport, hoddies, pastimes etc. 27) Varieties come out of shell! (6,5) 31) Be quiet! Game in progress (5) 37) MMC LBS! (4,7) 41) Heard fron Boleyn? (2,7,7,7) 45)...
Hi folks just thought i would tellyou to save you looking for the answer to number 18 for me, i have now managed to work that one out. thanks anyway, but still need the answers to the ones...
help needed please. all answer are associated with dance of some kind example- part of a type of puzzle (3) = jig. flat circle plus. (5) = england is mine. (7)= can be a train movement. (10)=...
Really stuck on 6 this week thanks for any help. 17AC UNFILLED JOB, ??c?g??. 21AC SUSPICIOUS OF, ??e?r. 75AC OOSE, d??t. 1DN SIMILAR VIEW, w?????????h. 4DN SMALL DOG, t???o?d?e. 94DN WINE MADE FROM...