9,Who's Harry 5 and 7 letters
11' Blues Leader 5 and 7 letters.
17,Landscope Prowess 5 and 5 letters.
20,Welsh no 10 5,5 and 6 letters.26
26,Magical man/Almost a female fox 5 and 5 letters....
help needed again please no.8 made when grinding [6] no. 19 you feed these at home [9] no. 24 windy,with a name [6,3,3,10.] no.25 nice place below the equator [9,5] no.33 a lot of electricity [4,5]...
did anyone ever find an answer to question
33 bbll
phrases or sayings, sons rhymes with colour in answer
or did we find out if there had been a typo
thanks for any help...
2) Politician of Gold (5,5) 7) He writes and speaks (5,4) 13) Behind the famous "Tache" (5,6) 14) Did he do a cricket comedy? (5,5) 15) Kids like the wilderness (5,6) Thanks for any help...
Granny the cooking pot is brown(9) answer is a place in the UK. DOD by JC MACR by PS FAS by B Last 3 sets of initials represent hit records& singers. Either title or singer includes a family...
Topless stepmother, pa upset. (9). Answer is a place in UK. I have seen a suggestion of emthespar, but can't find it on any map. -Can anyone point me in the right direction please? this is my last...