the claimant in a land reg tribunal hearing lied on his statement of truth saying I forged his signature on a document, he never provided any proof of this (as he obviously couln't). I am still...
if you win a court case and can claim your costs back from the other side, what happens if the other side refuse to pay or plead poverty but are in full time work (probation service) can you apply for...
what does a unilateral notice entered at the land registry against a property mean, can the property be sold or remortgaged whilst have he notice on. whats the difference between a unilateral notice...
if an applicant/respondant is not satisfied with the decision at a land tribunal hearing can he/she appeal. If so under what circumstances would an appeal be granted. If an appeal was granted could...
an ex partner is trying to register a unilateral notice on my property for a beneficial interest which I am contesting. He is also alleging that I obtained my mortgage by fraud (which is a lie and can...