when there is a ruck in the game , you always see player on either side of the ruck (usually on the same team) putting their hand up and signalling something. what is it theyre actually putting their...
I'm trying to re-decorate my room, but because I'm a little OCD, I would like to be able to plan it before I do anything. I was just wondering if there was a website that you would be able to visually...
the song for the new t4 advert (showing the summer music and what not) i know it's jason mraz's song make it mine, but the one ive downloaded sounds like an acoustic version. i was just wondering if...
the song for the new t4 advert (showing the summer music and what not) i know it's jason mraz's song make it mine, but the one ive downloaded sounds like an acoustic version. i was just wondering if...
you know the new advert for the duke of edinburgh episode? whats the music in the background? on of the lines is, 'and i'm always one step behind' but its sung quite fast and quite comically.
what i could talk about for my english assingment. i have to stand and talk and then answer questions on a piece of non fiction. i cant think of anything to talk about. has anyone got any ideas? like...
does anyone know the cardigan that was used on this morning for the 80s style revival bit they had on it? it was like a big, long nd light coloured cardigan . any ideass ?
apparently some people complained about there being an all black scene in eastenders is it just me or is the fact that people complained just plain wrong ?
ITV's This Morning did a section on 80s revival and there was this white and red cardigan , pretty chunky and long. if i remember correctly. can someone please tell me where its from ?