I know it is a long time before this quiz closes, I thought that others would enjoy helping to solve them. So boysinblue68, there was really no need for sarcasm
thanks again to all...
1. EHCIRAL FODERRNUHG 2.KALEBY 3. RASHNOR YAMERCDC 4. NAXDALERE (ALEXANDER) VELARYW 5.KCAJ(JACK) FOLER 6.YOKKR( I should be able to guess this one but I dont know of any character or show) 7.NIL NICGH...
to amadeusamti I think you are right and also 16 and 17 i think are incorrect too. 16 is adolf hitler ( adolf has only 5 letters in it but I think someone is spelling it with a ph) 17. Saddam hussein...
answers are or include towns and cities in british isles 1 Robber's instructions! (7) 2.young girl with the chief (10) 3.looks like a place to cross a river (8) 4.sounds like a modern place to shop...
the phrases have been taken from song lyrics, films, catchphrases or public life. the answers are who (or what ) has voiced these words 1. the night of the long knives (6,6 ) 2. the mother of all...
all answers are or include towns or cities in british isles 1. need this to keep clean (4) 2. sounds like no-one was hungry (8) 3. robber's instructions (7) 4. fresh wine (7) 5.Cook's advice (8)...
thankyou to all of you who supplied answers, I'm just stuck with one now You won't want to accept this goblet (6,7), possible suggestion of poisoned chalice but the first word is only six letters...
the answers all have ICE in them. I am stuck on last few 1. better be worried, the rest of it is much bigger (3,2,3,7) 2 spot the committee, and pin it here (6,5) 3. point where the earthquake struck...
thanks again to all. I have just 4 more there were 70 altogether - I did answer 50 myself but i couldnt think of these last ones for the life of me - perhaps i should have thought a bit harder. must...
thank you all so much - i have more if you're interested 1. Musically, how the rumour spread ( 1,5,2,7,3,9) 2.sounds like a busybody (6) 3.Do this and you won't be wanted by the lovers (4,10) 4.Old...
all the answers are or include a fruit or vegetable within the answer. e.g. a pointed weapon (5) = spear very lively ( 4, 2, 5 ) = full of beans 1. unripe fruit, or a case of jealousy ( 4, 6) 2....
loros quiz - all answers have a colour named in them - am stuck on 2 out of 70 1. chocolate, mystically ? (5,5) 2. is this supped at her majesty's residence? ( 5, 7, 4) can anyone help thanks in...